lundi 22 octobre 2012

Sault à la Puce

This weekend felt like a powder weekend in skiing season. Friday afternoon came with some heavy night that kept falling throughout the night. Saturday morning was filled with the same buzz you'd find in a ski town the morning of a dump! Finally the rain had come and we set off to enjoy it all weekend long!

Here's some Pics of the Sault à la Puce, a classic technical steep section a the doorstep of the city.

A special place to be...

vendredi 5 octobre 2012


Teaser of the movie about the first descents in Nunavik that we did last summer. Full feature should be out at the beginning of the winter. In the mean while, it's rainy!! Finally, we might be able to enjoy some of the local runs here!!

lundi 1 octobre 2012

Rivière Valin, Pic Only!!

Guillaume, Premier Rapide, Valin

Alex, Premier Rapide, Valin

Frank, Rapide de la crack, Valin

Alexis, Rapide de la crack, Valin

Emerick, Chute, Valin

Frank, Chute, Valin

Frank Free Wheel, Chute, Valin

Emerick, First ever Switch Free Wheel, Chute, Valin

Frank, Chute, Valin

Dylan Stoked, Chute, Valin

Guillaume, Air bag Rapide, Valin

Alexis, Air bag Rapide, Valin

Simon, Air bag Rapide, Valin

Dylan, Air bag Rapide, Valin

Dylan, Air bag Rapide, Valin